Duke - User Guide

By Chen Anqi, 2019

1. Introduction

Duke is a chat bot that help users track their tasks, deadlines and events. While Duke has a Graphical User Interface (GUI), it is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI). If you can type fast, Duke can assist you in managing your tasks faster than traditional GUI apps. Interested? Read the “Quick Start” below to get started. Enjoy!

2. Quick Start

3. Features

Add tasks to track them

You can let Duke keep track of your tasks by providing the description and time (if applicable). Duke supports three types of tasks:

Update an existing task

You can update the description or time (only if the task is a deadline or event) of an existing task.

Mark a task as done

You can mark an existing task in the list as done.

Display all the tasks

You can let Duke display all current tasks stored in the list, regardless of the status of completion, in the order of their creation.

Search by keyword (or phrase)

You can find a task by searching a keyword (or phrase) in the current task list, and get all matching results (i.e. tasks that contain the keyword or phrase) displayed in order of their appearance in the list.

Delete an existing task

If you no longer wants a task to be tracked, you can delete it from the task list.

Save current tasks in a local file

After every single modification to your task list, your latest tasks are automatically saved in a local file on your hard drive, presented in an easily understandable format.

Load past tasks from a local file

Every time Duke is launched, it attempts to load past tasks from {current directory}/DukeStorage/tasks.txt. If loading fails, it creates a new file to be stored in the above mentioned location.

Exit the app

You can exit Duke by typing a single word “bye”, and the app will be automatically terminated.

4. Usage

todo - add a normal task

To add a normal task, type todo followed by the description of the task, and it will be recorded by Duke. By default, every newly added task is marked as undone (indicated by ‘X’).

Example of usage:

todo read books

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task: 
   [T][X] read books
 Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.

deadline - add a task with a deadline

To add a task with a specific deadline, type deadline followed by: (i) the description of the task, (ii) /by, (iii) the due time, in d/MM/yyyy HHmm format. It will be recorded by Duke. By default, every newly added task is marked as undone (indicated by ‘X’).

Example of usage:

deadline project submission /by 2/10/2019 2359

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task: 
   [D][X] project submission (by: Wed, 2 Oct 2019, 11:59PM)
 Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.

event - add an event with a time of occurrence

To add an event with specific start time and end time, type event followed by: (i) the description of the event, (ii) /at, (iii) the start time and end time, in d/MM/yyyy HHmm-HHmm format. It will be recorded by Duke. By default, every newly added task is marked as undone (indicated by ‘X’).

Example of usage:

event team meeting /at 18/09/2019 1600-1800

Expected outcome:

 Got it. I've added this task: 
   [E][X] team meeting (at: Wed, 18 Sep 2019, 4:00PM to 6:00PM)
 Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

update - update an existing task

To update an existing task, type update followed by: (i) the task index, (ii) the attribute which you want to update, i.e. description or time (if the task is a deadline or event), (iii) the new value of the attribute. The task will be updated without changing its position in the list. Note that the index is with respect to the task list, not the current displayed list.

Example of usage #1:

update 1 description read five books

Expected outcome #1:

 Ok! I've updated this task: 
   [T][X] read five books
 Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

Example of usage #2:

update 2 time 19/09/2019 2359

Expected outcome #2:

 Ok! I've updated this task: 
   [D][X] project submission (by: Thu, 19 Sep 2019, 11:59PM)
 Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

Example of usage #3:

update 3 time 25/09/2019 1400-1600

Expected outcome #3:

 Ok! I've updated this task: 
   [E][X] team meeting (at: Wed, 25 Sep 2019, 2:00PM to 4:00PM)
 Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

done - mark a task as done

To mark an existing task as completed, type done followed by the index of the task. Its status in Duke will change from ‘X’ (uncompleted) to ‘O’ (completed).
Note that the index is with respect to the task list, not the current displayed list.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

 Nice! I've marked this task as done: 
   [T][O] read five books

list - display all existing tasks

To have a look at all the tasks in the list, type list. Duke will display a complete list of existing tasks that have been recorded.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

 Here are the tasks in your list:
 1.[T][O] read five books
 2.[D][X] project submission (by: Thu, 19 Sep 2019, 11:59PM)
 3.[E][X] team meeting (at: Wed, 25 Sep 2019, 2:00PM to 4:00PM)

find - search by keyword (or phrase)

To search for all tasks that contain the specified keyword (or phrase), type find followed by the keyword (or phrase). Duke will display a list of matching results. Note that the search is case sensitive.

Example of usage:

find submission

Expected outcome:

 Here are the matching tasks in your list:
 1.[D][X] project submission (by: Thu, 19 Sep 2019, 11:59PM)

delete - delete an existing task from the list

To delete an existing task, type delete followed by the index of the task. It will be removed from the task list and cease to be tracked by Duke. Note that the index is with respect to the task list, not the current displayed list.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

 Noted. I've removed this task: 
   [T][O] read five books
 Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.

bye - exit Duke

To exit Duke, type bye. Duke will automatically terminate in one second.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

 Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

5. Command Summary